Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Micro-Affirmations at work

Some of the most important actions that we take at work help others around us to lead from their seats – to show up as the best versions of themselves each day and fulfill their individual responsibilities within the organization with grit, gusto and creativity.

One way that we do that is to act as role models – You first! – You lead from your seat and you show up as the best version of YOU! Another meaningful way to grow leaders around us is to recognize and acknowledge others’ greatness. First, we’ve got to be looking for those ‘coaching’ moments and then we have to let people know that we notice that they are choosing to be both better and different; that they’re leading, making strong decisions, acting as adults. Second, we want to emphatically let our colleagues know that they are valued; that what they do is making a difference and moving us in the right direction. We want to authentically tell them that we are proud of them and in so doing, challenge them to continue to lead.

The best, most sustainable way to appreciate and recognize others is to intentionally look for everyday (yes, every day!) opportunities to offer a sincere, specific message that fuels the leadership spark in them. These small verbal, non-verbal or written messages (or cues) are called micro-affirmations. Sending these regularly helps to build and grow others quicker than anything else! Make it a part of your leadership practice to feed others a steady diet of micro-affirmations throughout the day. Catch people leading from their seats. Appreciate what they are doing ‘right!” and dare them to do even more of it.

Focusing your attention on what other people are doing well will serve to remind you of just how great things are most days – there’s a heck of a lot more going right in your organization than going wrong. And by recognizing the greatness in others, you simply cannot help but recognize it in yourself. That’s the crazy wisdom of it all!!

Let your own light shine by affirming others. After all you are a VIL – a very important leader! (BTW, that’s a micro-affirmation)

Big doors swing on small hinges. The seemingly small choices that you make throughout your day pay HUGE dividends. Take the Lead!

P.S. Here’s another exciting way to appreciate, recognize and affirm your colleagues --- Nominate someone for the Take The Lead Award!!! This is the first year that Vantage International is sponsoring this opportunity and we would love for each of you to participate. The simple realization that you thought highly enough of someone to nominate her/him will thrill that person and encourage them to even higher levels of ownership, commitment and performance. So, take those extra few minutes to check out the details today by following the link:

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