Saturday, October 26, 2013

Announcing the 2013 Take The Lead Award

We wanted you to be among the first to hear our good news!   For years, Vantage International has been committed to developing powerful, effective ‘everyday leaders’ at all levels within organizations.  We’ve coached, taught, facilitated, spoken and written about the game changing dynamic of ‘leading from every seat.’ These experiences have fanned the flame of our passion for the message and created sparks of possibility in more and more workplace cultures. Now, we want to do even more to create a movement that changes the way we think of leadership for good! It is with pride and excitement that we announce the 2013 Take The Lead Award!

This award is intended to recognize and honor one ‘everyday leader’ who best demonstrates unwavering dedication to leading from her/his seat every day at work. We invite you to spread the word about this opportunity across your own organization; share the message with colleagues in other organizations; nominate a worthy individual; and encourage others to do so as well.  Help us to create a buzz! To get things rolling, we’ve included a flyer that you can print and display on your organization’s community boards or post on your intranet.

The Take The Lead (TTL) nomination process is easy and straightforward.  Here’s how it works in just a few simple steps:
  • Visit and carefully read all of the specific details on the Award
  • Click on the link to the Nomination Form and complete all of the fields. Of particular importance is the narrative that creatively and thoroughly outlines why the nominee should be selected as this year’s recipient. Tell us a compelling story!
  • Then, simply submit the online form. Nominators will receive an email confirmation that his/her submission has been received

Nominations will be accepted from September 15, 2013 through December 15, 2013. 

We believe that even the simple acts of talking about this award within your organization, publicizing it, thinking about who to nominate and then crafting a narrative that shares the story of an everyday leader will accrue benefit to you and your team by:

  •  Actively thinking about and scouting for  leaders in every seat
  •   Raising awareness of each person’s own leadership talents and those of others
  •  Recognizing and appreciating one another as everyday leaders
  •  Promoting new levels of accountability, engagement and community

If you have any questions about the 2013 TTL Award, please do not hesitate to contact us at The Vantage International Team is looking forward to reading your “Everyday Leadership” stories!

Let’s create a movement together!

Warmly and Appreciatively,
Leta Beam
Vantage International

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