Monday, September 23, 2013

Fresh Eyes

One of those small but significant (I always say ‘big door swing on small hinges) habits that everyday leaders practice is to view their work with ‘fresh eyes’ each day. If you’re committed to being both better and different then you’ve got to have the courage, energy and discipline to briefly pause before you jump in and ‘do’ the work  Take a look at it as though you’re seeing it for the first time. If you could press the re-wind button, how would you organize the work differently; what would you do to have a better outcome, make your job or someone else’s easier?

Think of it another way – when you slow down and really re-examine your work and explore your processes and approaches, you actually have the chance to speed up in the long run, by becoming more effective and efficient. Slow down to speed up!

When you look at your work with fresh eyes, it’s as though you have a new leadership lens that endows you with ‘super powers’ to:

·         Connect the dots differently

·         See opportunities that were hidden in plain sight

·         Have an in-sight on the solution to a wicked problem

·         Experience an ‘aha’ moment or a BFO (blinding flash of the obvious)

Now, this isn’t an invitation to go rogue and change your work flow without running it by others. It is all about making suggestions that help you be the best version of yourself and get great work done AND help your colleagues and the organization.

So today, be fearless! Change the lens through which you see your world. Write down any ideas (no censorship please) that surface for streamlining, eliminating, combining, re-creating….You might be surprised at how long that list is. Then pick one, maybe two to pursue. Now, lead from your seat and talk with your colleagues and your boss about your new ideas. Take a risk…take the lead!

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