Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Look and Feel of Everyday Leadership

If you haven’t already heard, nominations for Vantage International’s 2nd annual Take The Lead (TTL) Award are now being accepted! Woo Hoo! This is both an exciting and rewarding time here at our headquarters because we get to hear about the inspired actions of the many everyday leaders in today’s workplace from people like you!  We celebrate the fact that we are intentionally making a contribution to the movement  to re-imagine who we are at work and how we get our work done together. In partnership with each of you, we’re redefining leadership and that’s nothing short of revolutionary!!

Here’s my leadership dare for each of you: Make a commit to nominate an individual or a team (yes, this year, we’ve added a team category!) for the TTL Award and then take action to get it done! For some of us, that means that we’ll have to refocus our own leadership lens and see our team mates, co-workers and colleagues differently than we have in the past. The great news is that everyday leaders are everywhere!! At every level and layer in every organization around the world.

How do you spot an everyday leader?  No one is perfect, but everyday leaders really do set themselves apart by their thoughts, attitudes, behaviors and how they relate to others. What are the attributes and attitudes of someone who leads from their seat every single day? Here are some tell-tale signs that an everyday leader is at work ;-) They…

¬  Act as accountable adults day in and day out at work
¬  Know their job inside & out
¬  See themselves as an ‘owner’ of the organization
¬  Directly connect their everyday work to the organization’s overall success
¬  Look for ways to be different & better daily (because stakes are high)
¬  Know what others do & how it fits with their ‘stuff
¬  They rarely offer excuses. Instead, they work with creativity, grit & gusto
¬  Assume they have only part of the picture and value other ideas to get the full picture
¬  Avoid constant comparisons (e.g., She took a longer break. He gets all of the best assignments)
¬  Actively help others to be at their best
¬  Applaud & celebrate their team or department
¬  Listen with a cooperative ear
¬  Tune in to their own self-talk and CHOOSE the messages that they send to themselves throughout the day
¬  Choose to be upbeat rather than beaten up

So, what do you think about this list? Does someone(s) come to mind? Hope so!
Because I’m on the lookout for everyday leaders, I see them everywhere and not simply in my clients’ organizations!  That's supremely satisfying for me personally!.  Once you train your own leadership lens differently, you’ll see them too --- sometimes hidden in plain sight. The person in the next cubicle. Our ‘go-to’ team member. The gal at Starbuck’s who lifts your spirits every single morning without fail. The reservationist at a hotel. The administrative assistant at your physician’s office. And the list goes on and on…

Consider these three stellar examples of everyday leaders at work:

Everyday Leader #1 – A competent security guard at a NY casino, Cora, goes far beyond her j-o-b description to connect with guests.  She greets everyone warmly, and returning guests by name! Her special brand of service helps each person to feel uniquely valued by the organization. She generously shares tokens of appreciation – handmade jewelry – with everyone. She is an amazing bright spot. Truly selfless. Positive and appreciative. Creative. I look forward to seeing her each time that I visit!!  And based on the crowd that gathers around her security desk at times, others feel the same way that I do!

Everyday Leader #2 – On a recent flight from Baltimore to Boston, I was thoroughly impressed with the entire Airtran/Southwest crew. They looked and acted happy, yet completely professional. They were engaged with each passenger and I simply know that I was not the only person to feel ‘special.’ They sincerely thanked you for being with them that day; and they did everything it their power to assure a smooth, safe and pleasant experience. And…they delivered!!! I fly frequently, so it takes a lot to get my attention. I cannot remember the last time that I exited a plane smiling!  This crew was memorable in a good way!  They are a team of everyday leaders.

Everyday Leader #3 – We’re currently installing a geothermal heating system in our home and the company representative really lead from his seat throughout the process. He arrived early for our appointment; complimented our home; connected with us; knew his ‘stuff’ inside and out.  He listened carefully to our questions and gave us honest answers. Kept his promises in terms of follow-up.; even sent us a personal thank you note!  It was so easy for both my husband and I to develop swift trust with this professional. Does this sound like someone with whom you would want to work?

Now the ball’s in your court.  It’s your turn to recognize someone for the difference that they make at work. To acknowledge and appreciate someone else’s greatness. .And to celebrate what’s right or good in our world of work!  Make a commitment to nominate someone. And then make a plan to get that nomination completed!

Submit your Everyday Leader nomination here:

Stay tuned as we’ll be posting related leadership tips/dares throughout November!!

Leadership Dare 1 – Complement someone on the way in which they lead from their seat each day. Be specific in your description. Make it a surprise. Thank the person for setting such a fine example..
 Leadership Dare 2 – Add a section to your regular staff meetings called ‘Everyday Leadership’ moments. Ask all participants to come prepared to describe a recent example of everyday leadership at work in your organization.

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