Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Power of One Liners

Comedians deliver them artfully and get big laughs. Singles use them to start a conversation and maybe a relationship. Advertisers use them to get you to buy stuff. And politicians rely on them to win your vote.

When it comes to coaching and teaching, one liners can also promote growth and learning; help us to sustain awareness and new habits and, perhaps most importantly, provide a simple way to pass along ideas and share knowledge (maybe even wisdom) with our colleagues. One of Vantage International’s clients fondly coined the phrase ‘Leta-isms’ to describe her favorite one liners from my own conversations and educational programs!!  

“We love to have you work with us.  We call your one liners "Leta-isms" in Library Land.”     Kathy

One liners are effective because they are:
  • Easy to remember and repeat
  • Memorable in some way – a unique way of thinking about something; humorous or entertaining; or just plain clever
  • Worth remembering – they make a point 
Be aware that not all of my one liners are my original material. I’ve collected powerful phrases that have helped me to grow and achieve success over a decade on two; and I generously sprinkle them throughout my coaching conversations, public and private because they do the same for others.

Here is a list of the Vantage International team’s favorite ‘Leta-isms’:
  • Own the moment!
  • Be the best version of yourself each day!
  • Big doors swing on small hinges.
  • Know yourself to grow yourself.
  • Lead from your seat.
  • Be memorable in a good way each day.
  • Don’t let anyone or anything dull your sparkle.
  • Be better and different. 
  • Reach for the stars and settle for the moon.
  • Good is the enemy of great. (From Jim Collins)
  • Practice leadership & followership every day.
  • What you permit, you promote.
  • Manage things…Coach people.

Now it’s your turn! What’s that one thought, one quote, one word or phrase that made a huge difference for your leadership trajectory? What’s your favorite one liner?

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