Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If I had my way, I’d eliminate the words ‘just a’ from our workplace vocabulary. You know the phrase…

“Don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger!”

“I’m just a clerk….I don’t have any power here.”

“Don’t blame me…I’m just a cog in the wheel.”

What message do the words ‘just a’ send when placed in front of your position, role or title to you? To the person(s) who is listening? Here are the messages that it sends to me:

·         It subtly discounts and devalues you, your position and your contribution.

·         It excuses you from acting as a responsible adult at work and for taking ownership of the overall success of your workplace.

·         It undermines your confidence, initiative and drive. It says, “I’m powerless; I’m a victim; I’m small.” And it gives the listener license to believe those things about you too.

·         It not so subtly implies that there is someone(s) who isn’t ‘just a’, who should be leading or making a difference; who should own the current opportunity or challenge.

When we send this message to ourselves often enough, it keeps us stuck in the cement of mediocrity; limits our possibilities, smothers our creativity….we settle for something less than our best selves. Everyday leaders make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE each day to NOT embed that type of message in their workplace DNA. Instead, they feed themselves a steady diet of a very different message…”I’m a very important leader (VIL). Every day, there are dozens of opportunities for me to shine – to Take The Lead – in some way.”  “What I do and how I think makes a difference.”

Knock, Knock.

Who’s there?


Justa Who?

Just asking you to not use the words just a!

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