Thursday, February 21, 2013

Twenty Seconds of Insane Courage

One of my favorite ‘feel good’ movies is We Bought A Zoo, starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson. What can I tell you, I’m a sucker for sweet stories that include animals! The way that the characters used language so creatively is part of what made it special for me as well. One of my favorite quotes comes from Matt Damon’s character, Benjamin Mee. He shares a life lesson with his son by saying: “…Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage. Just literally, 20 seconds of embarrassing bravery…” 
I think that’s equally applicable to everyday leadership. In order to ‘lead from your seat’ each day, you don’t need to be perfect; you don’t even need to be ‘on’ every single moment. What you do need are mini bursts of organizational bravery throughout your work day – twenty seconds of insane courage – to challenge same old same old thinking; to try something different and better; to do the right thing; to behave as an adult; to help a colleague to be successful; or to simply choose to be happy and optimistic.

Big doors swing on small hinges --- it is the little stuff that we do consistently throughout our day that adds up to big change and even bigger opportunity. That’s what everyday leadership is all about!

Today, make that your mantra --- 20 seconds of insane courage. Consider it a leadership dare! And to jump start your thinking; here are some everyday examples of organizational bravery:
  1. Avoid the temptation to join in on gossip or griping
  2. Ask for help or offer a helping hand without being asked
  3. Accept responsibility rather than make excuses or throw blame
  4. Warmly welcome a new member to your team
  5. Agree to try something that scares you – e.g. give a presentation
  6. Really listen to the feedback that someone is giving you, especially if it is difficult to hear
  7. Say no to an unreasonable request, suggest an appropriate alternative
  8. Mend a relationship, even if it includes apologizing and/or forgiving
  9. Discuss the ‘elephant in the room’ at a meeting
  10. Have lunch with someone new, who’s not part of your inner circle   
Take the dare yourself today! It’s simple but not easy.  Repeat after me…..20 seconds of insane courage….twenty seconds of insane courage.  Let us know how you do and pass the dare on to one other person tomorrow.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Everyday Leadership Tip #1

Be intentional. Everyday leaders don’t simply ‘show up’ at work on autopilot; letting their current habits carry them through the day. They ‘re-choice’ each day. They consciously choose how they will think, feel and behave that day.

Try this simple technique

As you walk into work, ask yourself and then answer these three basic questions:
  • Who will I show up as at work today? 
  • How will I chose to ‘be’ today at work? 
  • What will I choose to ‘do’ in both task and relationships? 

Takes two minutes to do. This conversation with yourself could be THE most important one that you have all day.